

"I Come From" An original poem performed by Ariel Warmflash Voices of Limmud 2019

“Lines In the Sand” A theatre piece devised for Lab/Shul 5778 Rosh Hashana worship exploring the complicated narrative of Abraham, Sarah & Hagar and what we can learn about empathy and compassion through the intricacies of their story. Watch the performance starting at 2:21

Directing & Devising

"What Bokamoso Means to Me" a collaborative poem created by participants at the Bokamoso Youth Center and GW alumna Ariel Warmflash responding. This performance was recorded on February 8th, 2013 at the Betts Theatre in the Marvin Center of the George Washington University.

“Free For All” By the Voices of Now Mentor Ensemble
Directors and Devisers: Raymond Caldwell, Ashley Forman and Ariel Warmflash
Composer and Sound Designer: Roc Lee
How long can you go without repairing something before it is broken forever? When do we start noticing differences? What if we only saw people’s souls? How would it change the way we treated each other? The Mentor Ensemble is comprised of artists who have previously participated in the Voices of Now program as part of another ensemble.

“Mirror Image” by the Voices of Now Key MS Ensemble
Directors and Devisers: Psalmayene 24 and Ariel Warmflash
How can looking in the mirror change the way you see yourself? Does our appearance always reflect who we are? What happens when we see our image through someone else’s eyes?

“Cover Girl” by the Voices of Now Jefferson MS Ensemble
Directors and Devisers: Ashley Forman and Ariel Warmflash
What are all of the things girls cover themselves with? How do we learn what a girl should look like? Who decides what is beautiful?